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Rabu, 04 Juni 2008
Setting up an Online Store
The old fall-back is creating an online store that sells tangible products. Some people will buy products at wholesale and sell them at retail for profits. Others will drop-ship, which is the process of selling a product before you buy it. You hold a list of what you can buy products for and sell them at an increase. Your supplier will then ship the product for you.
This method is often combined with many of the other methods including list building, lead generation, affiliate marketing, and creating products.
Lets Talk
Hopefully this list is enough to get you started. While there are literally hundreds of ways to make money online, this list contains some of the most powerful. Adding one or more of these to your current arsenal may also help some of you to be more successful with what you’re doing now.
Creating Products
Those that make the most money online are often those that create their own products. These products are often informational and can be downloaded by the purchaser.
For example, a savvy marketer will do research and then create an information product that will teach people how to lose weight. The product will probably be sold as an ebook or as a site that has a paid membership. The marketer will then use a variety of methods to bring traffic to the site including affiliate marketing (the marketer will recruit affiliates), paid advertising, list building, and sometimes blogging.
Since an informational product costs basically nothing to deliver, there is often great money in creating this type of product. I would highly recommend getting some experience before using this method because there’s a lot to it.
Starting an Online Service Business
Those who become good at generating leads will often transition into creating their own service businesses. They usually realize that while they are able to make good money selling off leads, they could make more by creating businesses for the leads.
For example, a marketer may create a site at some point that provides people with good information about finance. They then go through the lead generation process to create and sell leads to an experienced financial planner. This goes great and the marketer makes great money, but eventually realizes that the financial planner makes a lot more from those leads than he does.
At that point, the marketer will often find a financial planner to partner with, or will become a financial planner himself. The leads are already there so the transition isn’t too complicated.
Selling services online usually takes a few simple steps:
Bringing traffic to a website
Generating a lead
Selling to that lead
Since the first step in the process is bringing traffic to a website, the method is often combined with other ways to make money online including blogging and list building. Many times, people that use this method will also purchase a good amount of paid advertising, as long as they are able to convert that traffic into clients.
Examples of online service businesses:
Clientside SEM - Aaron Wall’s SEO consulting service
Unique Blog Designs - blog design service
Logoworks - logo, web, and graphic design services
Article Marketer - article distribution service
Lead Generation
Generating leads can be an extremely lucrative way to create money online. Mortgage leads, for example can be sold for more than $40 per lead, with no promise of conversion.
Usually the process of lead generation involves setting up a site to bring traffic, and then funneling traffic to a page where the visitor requests more information about a product or service. In the case of mortgage loans, the visitor would request more information about a loan. The marketer doing the lead generation (the person who created the lead) will then sell the information to a mortgage broker or company, who will in turn call the lead to try to get them to get a loan.
There are literally hundreds of different industries that rely on lead generation including:
Weight Loss
Real Estate
Credit Cards
Cell Phone Plans
Savvy marketers will set up businesses that capture leads in these and other industries and can make some truly killer profits.
To find lead generation programs, I would visit CJ.com - they manage affiliate programs and lead generation programs for hundreds of companies.
List Building
List building is one of the more aggressive and powerful ways to make online money. The method combines amazingly well with affiliate marketing, and most good affiliate marketers rely heavily on building lists to scale up their businesses.
A good list builder will usually set up a site specifically to capture names and emails. You have probably done a search in Google to find a page that offered you a free product. All you have to do to get the free product is type in your name and email, right? By downloading that free product, you will probably be signed up to be on that marketer’s list. He will then be able to communicate with you in the future and will send you and everyone else on the list offers. A certain percentage of the people on the list will take advantage of those offers and this will get the marketer paid.
Good list builders will come up with ways to help the people on their list, which will keep them on the list for a longer time period. They are able to create a win-win. Over time, their list grows larger and larger which provides them with larger and larger income. Good affiliate marketers sometimes end up with millions of names.
To build their lists, list builders usually use a service like Aweber, which helps them to create forms to capture information, and stores the names and emails in a database for future communication.
List building combines with quite a few of the other methods, including blogging, affiliate marketing, lead generation, and starting an online service business.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate Marketing is the process of promoting products for other people and companies, in exchange for commissions. For example, let’s say that you have a site that provides people with home loans. I could sign up as an affiliate and then push people to your loan site. When people get a loan, you will make some money and will pay me a commission. I would be the affiliate marketer and you would be running an affiliate program.
There are thousands of different affiliate programs that you can use to make money online. Here are some examples of some of the more well known programs:
eBay - eBay’s affiliate program pays you commissions when you get people to sign up for eBay, and also pays some commissions if the traffic you send ends up buying something on eBay.
Amazon - Amazon’s program pays you commissions for pushing people to Amazon. You earn a commission when a person you pushed to Amazon buys a product. Amazon commissions start at 4% and go up from there and depend on how many conversions you can get.
Affiliate marketing is often combined with a few of the other ways to make money online. For example, bloggers often use affiliate marketing to make money from their blog traffic. List builders (see list building section) use affiliate marketing as the primary method of making money with their lists. They will usually send their list an affiliate offer (an offer to buy a product or service) around once per month (sometimes more or less often).
Affiliate marketers often stay under the radar, but for a good site that teaches this process, visit Super Affiliate Zac Johnson.
Starting a Content Website
This method uses the same basic idea as idea #1. You will use free content to attract visitors to a location where you can sell advertising and products.
Technically, a blog is a content website, but for the purpose of this guide, ‘content websites’ are the traditional content sites that aren’t blogs. There are a lot of ways to create content websites. Usually people use content management systems like Joomla, Drupal, and Mambo to manage the content.
You may be wondering to yourself what type of content people use to create content websites. These sites can be built around literally anything, but many of them review products and services or report on news specific to an industry or niche.
Like idea #1, people use a lot of different methods to bring traffic to content websites, such as search engine optimization, social media, paid advertising, email marketing, and press releases.
Examples of successful content websites:
GSM Arena
SEO Chat
DP Review